Relaunching the Collarts Brand

How we made creativity career friendly.

The Australian College of the Arts
Brand strategy


With low awareness and significant 'sandstone' and parent-friendly competition in higher education, Collarts (a small creative arts college) faced a serious battle to meet their ‘25 enrolment target.


The pressure to succeed is real, many of our prospects never pursued a career in creativity because it wasn’t ‘safe’ or financially rewarding. This couldn’t be further from the truth - the arts and creative industries employs more people in Australia than mining and agriculture combined.


We made creativity not optional, allaying fears that it's for the weekend. This broadened our appeal with a message that spoke to both career switchers and school leavers: 'Creativity Can't Wait'. While for Collarts, we helped them achieve their T1 '24 target for the first time in three years.